

kuksool 2023. 10. 5. 00:14



외국환업무를 업으로 영위하기 위하여 재무건전성, 외환업무시설 및 전문인력을 갖추 어 기획재정부장관에게 등록한 금융기관을 “외국환 업무취급기관”이라고 한다. 동 기관 은 재무건전성과 관련해 금융위원회가 정하는 기준에 비추어 자본규모와 재무구조가 적정해야 하며, 외환업무시설과 관련하여 외환정보집중기관과 전산망이 연결되어 있고 외환업무 및 그에 따른 사후관리를 원활하게 할 수 있는 전산설비를 갖추어야 한다. 또한, 전문인력과 관련하여서는 2년이상 외환업무에 종사한 경력자 또는 기획재정부장 관이 정하는 교육을 이수한 자를 영업소별로 2인이상 확보하여야 한다. 한편, 외국환 업무취급기관인 금융기관 중 은행법에 의한 금융기관, 농 수협은행, 한국산업은행, 한국 수출입은행, 중소기업은행의 국내영업소를 “외국환은행”이라고 한다. 외국환 업무취급 기관은 그 금융기관의 업무와 직접 관련되는 범위에서 외국환 업무를 할 수 있기 때문에 외국환 업무취급기관이라 하더라도 금융기관 종류별로 외국환 업무취급 범위가 다른데, 외국환은행은 외국환거래법상의 외국환 업무를 대부분 취급할 수 있다.




자국 통화가치의 안정을 도모하고 투기적인 외화 유출입에 따른 외환시장의 혼란을 방지할 목적으로 정부가 외환시장에 개입하는 데 사용하기 위하여 조성한 기금을 말한 다. 대다수 국가에서 유사한 형태로 동 기금을 설치, 운용하고 있는데 미국에서는 exchange stabilization fund, 영국에서는 exchange equalization fund라고 부르며 우리 나라에서는 외국환평형기금(exchange equalization fund)이라고 부르고 있다. 우리나라 의 외국환평형기금은 외화기금계정과 원화기금계정으로 구분되어 한국은행에 설치되어 있다. 한편, 외국환평형기금의 소요자금은 주로 공공자금관리기금으로부터의 예수금, 외화표시외국환평형기금채권 발행을 통하여 조달한다. 자금의 운용은 주로 한국은행에 의 예치, 한국투자공사(KIC)에 대한 위탁의 형태로 이루어지고 있다.




외국환포지션은 일정시점에서 외국환은행 및 기업 등이 보유하고 있는 외화표시자산 과 부채의 차액으로서 거래주체가 환리스크에 노출된 정도를 나타낸다. 외국환포지션에 서 외화자산이 외화부채를 초과하는 상황을 매입초과포지션(over-bought position 또는 long position), 외화부채가 외화자산을 초과하는 상황을 매도초과포지션(over-sold position 또는 short position), 그리고 외화자산과 외화부채가 균형을 이루는 상황을 스퀘어 포지션(square position) 이라 한다. 한편 외국환포지션은 포지션 산정에 있어 포함되는 자산의 범위에 따라 현물환포지션(현물자산-현물부채), 외환파생상품포지션 (외환파생상품자산-외환파생상품부채), 그리고 현물환포지션과 외환파생상품포지션을 합산한 종합포지션으로 구분되고 있다. 외환당국은 개별 은행의 건전한 경영을 유도하고 과도한 외국환포지션 구축으로 인한 외환시장 교란을 방지하기 위하여 각 외국환은행별 외국환포지션 한도를 설정, 관리하고 있다.


Foreign Exchange Service Agency/Foreign Exchange Bank

A financial institution registered with the Minister of Strategy and Finance with financial soundness, foreign exchange facilities, and professional manpower in order to conduct foreign exchange business as a business is referred to as "foreign exchange business handling institution". The institution should have an appropriate capital size and financial structure in light of the standards set by the Financial Services Commission, a foreign exchange information-intensive institution and a computer network in relation to foreign exchange business facilities, and a computer facility to facilitate foreign exchange operations and follow-up management. In addition, with regard to professional manpower, at least two persons shall be secured for each business office who have worked in foreign exchange for at least two years or who have completed the training prescribed by the Minister of Strategy and Finance. On the other hand, the domestic offices of financial institutions under the Banking Act, the Agricultural Cooperative Bank, the Korea Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank of Korea, and the Small and Medium Business Bank are referred to as "foreign exchange banks." Foreign exchange business institutions can do foreign exchange business directly to the extent that they are directly related to the business of the financial institution, so even foreign exchange business institutions have different scope of foreign exchange business by type of financial institution. Foreign exchange banks can handle most foreign exchange business under the Foreign Exchange Act.



foreign exchange equilibrium fund

It refers to a fund created by the government to intervene in the foreign exchange market with the aim of stabilizing the value of the local currency and preventing confusion in the foreign exchange market caused by speculative foreign currency inflows and outflows. Most countries have established and operated the fund in a similar form, which is called the Exchange Stabilization Fund in the United States, the Exchange Equalization Fund in the United Kingdom, and the Exchange Equalization Fund in Korea. The foreign exchange equilibrium fund in Korea is divided into a foreign currency fund account and a won fund account and is established in the Bank of Korea. On the other hand, the required funds of the Foreign Exchange Equilibrium Fund are mainly raised through deposits from the Public Fund Management Fund and the issuance of foreign currency-denominated foreign exchange equilibrium fund bonds. The management of funds is mainly made in the form of deposit by the Bank of Korea and consignment to the Korea Investment Corporation (KIC).


foreign exchange position

Foreign exchange position is the difference between foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities held by foreign exchange banks and companies at a certain point in time, representing the degree to which the transaction entity is exposed to currency risk. In the foreign exchange position, a situation in which foreign currency assets exceed foreign currency liabilities is called an over-bought position or long position, a situation in which foreign currency liabilities exceed foreign currency assets is called an over-sold position or short position, and a situation in which foreign currency assets and foreign currency liabilities are balanced is called a square position. On the other hand, foreign exchange positions are divided into spot exchange positions (in-kind assets-in-kind liabilities), foreign exchange derivatives positions (foreign exchange derivatives assets-foreign exchange derivatives liabilities), and comprehensive positions that combine spot exchange positions and foreign exchange derivatives positions according to the scope of assets included in the position calculation. The foreign exchange authorities set and manage foreign exchange position limits for each foreign exchange bank to induce sound management of individual banks and to prevent disturbances in the foreign exchange market due to excessive foreign exchange position construction.
