

kuksool 2023. 10. 15. 10:34

자국통화와 여타 외국 통화가 국내외환시장에서 직접적으로 거래되지 않는 경우 각각의 시장에서 결정되는 가격을 이용해 산출하는 환율을 말한다. 원/달러 환율이 1,100원이고, 일본 동경 외환시장에서 엔/달러 환율이 달러당 110엔이라면 재정환율인 원/엔 환율은 100엔당 1,000원이 된다. 또 유로의 경우 기축통화지만 현재 유로와 원화를 교환할 수 있는 시장이 없다. 이에 따라 달러 대 원, 달러 대 유로의 교환비율을 비례식으로 하여 원 대 유로의 가격을 산출하고 있다. 이처럼 재정환율을 사용하는 이유는 세계적으로 각국 외환시장에서의 거래가 대부분 미 달러화를 중심으로 이루어지고 있어 기타 통화간 외환시장은 발달되어 있지 않기 때문이다. 2022년 9월 현재 우리나라는 서울외국환중개 회사가 서울 외환시장에서 결정되는 원/달러, 원/위안 환율과 국제금융시장에서 형성되 는 크로스레이트를 매개로 하여 55개 통화에 대한 재정환율을 매일 고시하고 있다.


국민처분가능소득(NDI; National Disposable Income)은 한 나라 경제 전체가 소비나 저축으로 자유로이 처분할 수 있는 소득으로 거주자와 비거주자간의 소득이전이 반영된 것이다.

국민처분가능소득 = 국민순소득* + 국외순수취경상이전
* 국외순수취 영업이익 및 재산소득이 반영된 피용자보수 및 영업이익 + 순생산 및 수입세

국민총처분가능소득중 소비되지 않고 남는 부분을 총저축 혹은 국민 저축이라 하는데, 저축률은 100에서 국민총처분가능소득중 최종소비를 목적으로 처분된 재화와 서비스의 비율인 소비율을 차감한 것이다. 이때 소비율을 백분율이 아닌 계수로 표시한 것을 평균소비성향이라 하며, 평균저축성향은 1에서 평균소비성향을 차감한 것이다.

저축률 = 100 - 소비율*
* 최종소비지출/국민총처분가능소득** × 100
** 피용자보수 + 영업이익(국외순수취영업이익 및 재산소득 포함) + 순생산 및 수입세 + 국외순수취 경상이전 + 고정자본소모)

평균소비성향 = 최종소비지출/국민총처분가능소득
평균저축성향 = 1 - 평균소비성향

총저축은 국민총처분가능소득에서 소비하고 남은 부분이다. 총저축은 투자재원으로 차기 생산을 증가시키는데 이용되거나 대외자산구입에 이용되므로 이론적으로는 국내 투자에 국외투자를 더한 총투자와 일치한다.

총저축 = 국민총처분가능소득 소비

부실화 소지가 있는 금융기관(은행, 보험사, 저축은행, 금융투자업자, 여전사 등)에 대하여 부실화가 크게 확대되기 전에 적절한 경영개선조치를 취함으로써 조기에 경영을 정상화시키고 경영정상화 가능성이 없는 금융기관은 퇴출시키는 제도이다. 금융위원회는 BIS 자기자본비율이 최저기준(은행 : 8%)에 미달하거나 경영실태평가결과가 일정등 급 이하인 금융기관 등에 대하여 그 미달 정도에 따라 단계별 시정조치인 경영개선권고, 경영개선요구, 경영개선명령을 자동으로 부과하게 된다.

a fiscal exchange rate
It refers to the exchange rate calculated using the price determined in each market when the local currency and other foreign currencies are not directly traded in the domestic foreign exchange market. If the won/dollar exchange rate is 1,100 won and the yen/dollar exchange rate is 110 yen per dollar in the Tokyo foreign exchange market in Japan, the fiscal exchange rate of won/yen will be 1,000 won per 100 yen. In addition, the euro is a key currency, but there is currently no market where the euro and won can be exchanged. Accordingly, the price of won to euro is calculated by using the exchange ratio of dollar to dollar and dollar to euro in a proportional formula. The reason for using the fiscal exchange rate is that most transactions in each country's foreign exchange market are centered on the US dollar, so the foreign exchange market between other currencies is not developed. As of September 2022, Korea has announced daily fiscal exchange rates for 55 currencies by the Seoul Foreign Exchange Brokerage Company through the won/dollar, won/yuan exchange rates determined in the Seoul foreign exchange market and the cross rate formed in the international financial market.

savings rate/total savings/average propensity to consume/average propensity to save
National Disposable Income (NDI) is income that the entire economy of a country can freely dispose of as consumption or savings, reflecting the transfer of income between residents and non-residents.

National disposable income = National net income* + overseas net income transfer
* Employee remuneration and operating profit reflecting foreign net income and property income + net production and income tax

The remaining portion of total disposable income without consumption is called total savings or national savings, and the savings rate is 100 minus the consumption rate, the ratio of goods and services disposed of for final consumption among total disposable income. At this time, the expression of the consumption rate as a coefficient rather than a percentage is called the average consumption propensity, and the average savings propensity is 1 minus the average consumption propensity.

Savings rate = 100 - Consumption rate*
* Final consumption expenditure/total national disposable income** × 100
** Employee compensation + operating profit (including net foreign operating profit and property income) + net production and import tax + net foreign revenue transfer + consumption of fixed capital)

Average propensity to consume = Final consumption expenditure / gross disposable income
Average Savings propensity = 1 - Average Consumption propensity

Total savings are the remaining portion of total disposable income. Total savings are used to increase the next production as an investment resource or to purchase external assets, so it is theoretically consistent with total investment, which adds foreign investment to domestic investment.

Total Savings = Total disposable income consumption

timely corrective action system
Financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, savings banks, financial investment companies, and female companies) that are likely to become insolvent can normalize their management early by taking appropriate management improvement measures before the insolvency is greatly expanded and financial institutions that are not likely to normalize their management are removed. The Financial Services Commission will automatically impose step-by-step corrective measures such as management improvement recommendations, management improvement requests, and management improvement orders on financial institutions whose BIS equity capital ratio falls short of the minimum standard (bank: 8%) or whose management status evaluation results are below a certain level.
