Proper stock price calculation
Stock Price = PER X EPS
Price-to-earnings ratio (PER) - Profitability index divided by stock price by net profit per share
Earnings per share (EPS) - the company's net income divided by the total number of shares issued
1. Calculate and compare PERs of stocks related to the same industry
2. PER calculation near the low price of the stock concerned
In general, low PER compared to the average of the same industry is considered undervalued, and high is considered overvalued.
It is right to calculate for companies with the minimum surplus.
earnings per share - rated as controlling shareholder net income
Net income of controlling shareholders / Number of issued shares = EPS (only common stock when there are ordinary and preferred stocks)
Closing Price / EPS = PER
Find the PER at the lowest price and the PER at the latest rebound and determine whether it is undervalued or undervalued.
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